Oral presentations
If you do not follow the instructions below, we cannot be held responsible for your presentation.
Before the Congress:
To maximize the effectiveness of your presentation, please use PowerPoint, 16:9 aspect ratio.
- Use a minimum of text on the page. As a rule of thumb, for readability there should be no more than 30 letters per line and 12 lines.
- Graphs often speak louder than words.
- Chairs will strictly follow the timetable for the oral presentations in order to allow for accurate planning for those wishing to move from one talk to another in a parallel session, so keeping the sessions on time is essential.
- Presentations will be 12 minutes plus 3 minutes of discussion.
- One-slide poster - oral presentation will be 3 minutes (no discussion).
At the Congress:
To maximize the effectiveness of your presentation, please use PowerPoint, 16:9 aspect ratio.
- Please give your presentation to the technician (check the room in Programme where you will have to deliver lecture), at least one hour before the presentation.
- Be in the congress hall 15 minutes before the start of the session to meet the chairman and other speakers. Provide all necessary information to the chairperson for the introduction (you can prepare a few sentences to be announced by the chairperson). Check the allotted time for the oral presentation in Programme.
- 3. Stick to the program schedule so that the chairperson of the session does not interrupt you in your presentation. Only authors who have paid the registration fee have the right to present accepted works. If you have any technical questions please contact our support team.
ePoster Presentations
Deadline for uploading your ePoster: Thursday, 10 June 2023, 23:59 CET
Before the Congress
Instructions for the preparation of ePoster
Presenters will receive a dedicated link to upload their ePosters via email in due course.
Technical specification for ePoster preparation
Please submit your ePoster as a 1-page PDF file in landscape orientation.
If you wish, you may use a template that can be downloaded HERE
- Language: All ePosters should be prepared in English
- File Format: PDF file – 1 page
- Orientation: Please create your document in PowerPoint in Landscape Layout 16×9 and Save it as a PDF file
- Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana Times New Roman or Helvetica
- Font size: 11 points or larger
- Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and embedded videos are not permitted
- Images and tables: at least 200 dpi. Good picture quality is essential.
- When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents
- Avoid overlapping objects and layers. Only the final view/status will be visible
- When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name
- File size: Less than 5 MB
At the Congress
There will be two kinds of poster presentations. The ePosters will be presented continuously on a monitor in the lobby. The authors will also have to present their posters orally with a single PP slide, during three minutes, at the Poster Blitz Session, on Monday, 19th of June, from 15.00 to 16.30 in a conference room.
The ePosters of selected abstracts will be presented in dedicated ePoster Station at the On-site Congress in Belgrade. ePoster presentations will not have a dedicated session time and will be available for viewing during the Congress. ePoster presenters will receive a dedicated link to upload their ePosters by email.
Only ePosters of registered participants will be displayed.
The organizer assumes no responsibility for the content published on the poster.
If you have any technical questions please contact our support team.