ICBEN 2023 Papers
Welcome to the index of papers or abstracts of the 14th ICBEN Congress „Noise as a Public Health Problem“, Belgrade 18-22 June 2023.
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Subject Areas
- Noise-induced hearing loss
- Noise and communication
- Non-auditory health effects of noise
- Effects of noise on cognition, performance and behavior
- Effects of noise on sleep
- Community response to noise and noise annoyance
- Low frequency noise and vibration
- Combined effect of noise and other agents
- Noise policy and economics
- Other topics
Lectures and papers
- 1 Introductory Lecture
- 1 Awardee Lecture
- 3 Keynotes
- 114 Oral presentations
- 16 Posters
ICBEN 50 years & Awardee “ICBEN Award of Excellence 2023” & Keynotes
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Introductory Lecture | ICBEN- 50 years | Barbara Griefahn | 234 |
Awardee Lecture | Community response to noise: Research progress in East Asia since ICBEN 1988 | Takashi Yano | 232 |
Keynote | Loud, but not clear: Current challenges and opportunities to limit risks from overexposure to noise and music | Thais C. Morata | 227 |
Keynote | Emerging adverse health effects of traffic noise | Mette Sørensen | 33 |
Keynote | Keynote Lecture-. Individual differences in human reactions to noise | Katarina Paunović | 221 |
Noise-induced hearing loss
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Noise-induced hearing loss: 2020-2022 research highlights | Ravi Reddy | 51 |
Oral | Occupational noise exposure standards and noise exposure guidance for the public need to be reduced to prevent noise-induced hearing loss | Daniel Fink | 31 |
Oral | Otoacoustic emissions in occupational hearing monitoring | Tron Vedul Tronstad | 142 |
Oral | Hearing Assessment of Classical Musicians | Stephen Dance | 19 |
Oral | Qualitative studies on the experience of noise in communication-intense workplaces before and after a participatory intervention | Sofie Fredriksson | 162 |
Oral | Preschool teachers experience of sound-induced auditory fatigue: a qualitative content analysis of n852 free-text survey responses | Sofie Fredriksson | 165 |
Oral | Characteristics of personal sound and noise exposure at music festivals and events | Wannes Van Ransbeeck | 151 |
Oral | How are children’s hearing, cognition and behavior affected by the preschool sound environment? Results from ongoing study. | Loisa Sandström | 209 |
Poster | Attitudes and habits toward the headphone use among Belgrade medical students | Danka Vukašinović | 91 |
Poster | Disability assessment on noise-induced hearing loss using hearing handicap inventory questionnaires for SOCSO compensation | Ailin Razali | 161 |
Poster | Auditory fatigue among professionals working in the amplified music sector | Thomas Venet | 169 |
Poster | Changes in hearing threshold in workers with asymmetric hearing loss exposed to shipyard noise: an 11-year follow-up study | Jiho Lee | 58 |
Noise and communication
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | The type of reflections affects speech intelligibility in spatialized noise conditions | Nicola Prodi | 56 |
Oral | The influence of a ‘quiet hub’ on the acoustic comfort in an open office environment. A case study. | Pascal van Dort | 114 |
Oral | Impact of face masks and face shields on communication | Paolo Lenzuni | 146 |
Non-auditory health effects of noise
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Non-auditory effects of noise: an overview of the state of the science of the 2021-2023 period | Elise van Kempen | 88 |
Oral | Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incidence of acute lower respiratory infection: evidence from the Danish Nurse Cohort | Jiawei Zhang | 68 |
Oral | Noise annoyance and risk of prevalent and incident atrial fibrillation - A sex-specific analysis | Omar Hahad | 29 |
Oral | The association of Ambient Noise Pollution in Belgrade with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in a University Clinic | Maja Miloradovic | 139 |
Oral | Road, air, and rail traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Sofia, Bulgaria: A population-based study | Angel Dzhambov | 46 |
Oral | Long-term Nighttime Noise Exposure and Incident Hypertension in a National U.S. Cohort of Female Nurses | Junenette Peters | 135 |
Oral | Acute Exposure to Simulated Nocturnal Train Noise Leads to Impaired Sleep Quality and Endothelial Dysfunction in Young Healthy Men and Women: A Sex-Specific Analysis | Omar Hahad | 223 |
Oral | Electrophysiological indices of stress: non-auditory effects of noise - preliminary data | Alessandra Giannella Samelli | 98 |
Oral | Traffic noise in the bedroom in association with being overweight or obese: a cross-sectional study of the Respiratory Health in Northern Europe cohort | Triin Veber | 37 |
Oral | Effects of aircraft noise exposure on obesity markers: results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France | Anne-Sophie Evrard | 62 |
Oral | Aircraft noise effect on self-reported health through noise annoyance: causal mediation analysis in the DEBATS longitudinal study in France | Minon'tsikpo kossi Kodji | 47 |
Oral | Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incidence of psychiatric disorders: a prospective cohort study | Youn-Hee Lim | 186 |
Oral | Noise and tranquilizers: A case time series analysis of military-aircraft noise exposure and sedative drug use among psychiatric patients | Benedikt Wicki | 70 |
Oral | Spatial and socioeconomic inequalities of road-traffic noise and attributable burden of disease in London, England | Sierra Clark | 125 |
Oral | Estimating burden of disease from transportation noise in Switzerland – deriving exposure response functions | Martin Röösli | 141 |
Oral | Risk of Cardiometabolic Diseases in Adults Exposed to Transportation Noise: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Julie Leduc | 73 |
Oral | Impact of Average Daily Ambient Noise Pollution in Belgrade on Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | Maja Miloradovic | 196 |
Oral | Road traffic noise can explain higher morbidity in wind power areas more than wind turbine noise | Jenni Radun | 77 |
Oral | Health effects of transportation noise on children and adolescents in Europe: An Umbrella+ review | Nicole Engelmann | 110 |
Oral | Exploring the linkage of noise and mental health among adolescents – An Equal - Life study | Kerstin Persson Waye | 121 |
Oral | Association between transportation noise exposure and type 2 diabetes risk in the French E3N cohort | Elodie Faure | 104 |
Oral | Sensitivity of the association between aircraft noise exposure and CVD mortality | Danielle Vienneau | 107 |
Oral | Aircraft noise exposure induces inflammation and impairment of vascular / cardiac function after myocardial infarction | Andreas Daiber | 40 |
Oral | Noise and Alzheimer’s disease – the basic pathological concepts | Goran Belojevic | 23 |
Oral | Is long-term exposure to transport noise relevant for lung health? An overview | Zorana Jovanovic Andersen | 168 |
Oral | Living close to the railway: associations between rail traffic vibration, noise and ischemic heart disease | Natalia Vincens | 224 |
Oral | Associations between Environmental Noise and Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in the Chicago Health and Aging Project | Stephanie Grady | 93 |
Oral | Occupational exposure to noise and incident stroke and myocardial infarction risk in Sweden | Jenny Selander | 214 |
Oral | The association between occupational noise and workplace injuries: a summary of several epidemiological studies in the US | Richard L Neitzel | 94 |
Oral | Occupational noise exposure and pregnancy complications: results from five urban Nordic cohorts | Tytti Pasanen | 103 |
Poster | The association of long-term road-traffic noise exposure with the immune response and systematic inflammation | Sarah Wagner | 83 |
Effects of noise on cognition, performance and behavior
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | A review of the effect of noise on cognitive performance 2021-2023 | Sabine J. Schlittmeier | 190 |
Oral | Influence of the number and sound level of noise events and task engagement on perceived loudness and annoyance | David Welch | 42 |
Oral | Sound awareness interventions in class: Effects on pupils’ self-reported attention and mood. | Jessica Massonnie | 60 |
Oral | Inhibitory control and noise sensitivity moderate the effects of listening conditions on academic tasks for primary school children | Nicola Prodi | 72 |
Oral | Activity noise in acoustically different classrooms – sound levels and pupil’s experience | Jenni Radun | 78 |
Oral | What Mechanism Underlies the Irrelevant Speech Effect: Phonological Processing or Rehearsal? | Abdullah Jelelati | 89 |
Oral | A laboratory experiment exploring the effect of chronic- and background noise on cognitive performance and motivation | Maud Dohmen | 130 |
Oral | Cognitive Distraction by Background Conversations: A Personal Affair? | François Vachon | 185 |
Oral | Children’s Effortful Control Skills, but Not Their Prosocial Skills, Relate to Their Reactions to Classroom Noise | Jessica Massonnie | 61 |
Oral | Understanding one’s global comfort in open-plan office: A case study in South Korea | Sang Hee Park | 57 |
Oral | Comparing the restorative effects of urban with green spaces: a laboratory study in VR | Claudia Kawai | 105 |
Poster | Indoor Environment Quality and Occupants Satisfaction in Office Building | Kyoung Woo Kim | 85 |
Effects of noise on sleep
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Team 5 Noise and sleep: A review of research from 2021-2023 | Michael Smith | 124 |
Oral | Associations of bedroom noise, PM2.5, CO2, temperature and humidity with actigraphically assessed sleep | Mathias Basner | 74 |
Oral | A laboratory study on the impact of tyre noise on sleep, cognition and blood metabolome | Michael Smith | 136 |
Oral | The time-distributional effects of night-time aviation noise exposure on annoyance and sleep disturbance | Charlotte Clark | 79 |
Oral | The association between aircraft noise and sleep disturbance: evidence from four major airports in the UK | Xiangpu Gong | 131 |
Oral | The effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality, sleepiness and annoyance in individuals sleeping during daytime vs. nighttime | Susanne Bartels | 132 |
Oral | Living close to the railway: On the associations of vibration and noise on sleep disturbances | Kerstin Persson Waye | 160 |
Oral | A field investigation on associations between environmental noise and adolescent physiological sleep: An Equal-Life study | Michael Smith | 137 |
Oral | The effects of noise and other spaceflight environmental stressors on astronaut cognitive performance: dynamic ensemble prediction | Mathias Basner | 75 |
Oral | Noise indicators for sleep disturbance and how to model them | Dick Botteldooren | 200 |
Oral | Development of a sleep disturbance protocol collecting simultaneous indoor and outdoor noise, motility and heart rate | Luc Dekoninck | 195 |
Oral | Supplementary road traffic noise metrics for practical management of awakenings by road traffic noise events | Alan Lex Brown | 167 |
Community response to noise and noise annoyance
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Community Response to Noise and Noise Annoyance: Recent Studies and New Movements in Implementation from 2021-2023 | Thulan Nguyen | 222 |
Oral | Launch of ICBEN's brand new survey data archive ISAR | Mark Brink | 177 |
Oral | An open database enabling a refit of the road noise annoyance function and other exposure response functions | Matthias Lochmann | 49 |
Oral | WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines revisited | Truls Gjestland | 35 |
Oral | On comparing exposure-response functions for annoyance – more tolerance? | Alan Lex Brown | 175 |
Oral | Annoyance to road traffic noise and residential green: a case study in the city of Zurich, Switzerland | Javier Dopico Magadan | 117 |
Oral | How soundscapes affect the perceived soundscape restorativeness in green space in residential areas-a perspective from older people | Xuan Guo | 220 |
Oral | Annoyance and sleep disturbance due to vibrations from trains in The Netherlands: results from "Living in the vicinity of the railway" | Elise van Kempen | 112 |
Oral | The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on road traffic noise annoyance trends | Lubica Argalasova | 55 |
Oral | Noise annoyance from mining in the Czech Republic | Markéta Stanovská | 36 |
Oral | Annoyance due to noise from sports facilities | Julia Kuhlmann | 39 |
Oral | Picture Frustration Study on Environmental Protection and Life Convenience around an Airport using Sentiment Analysis | Krittika Lertsawat | 22 |
Oral | Longitudinal measurement of noise and annoyance of airplanes by citizens near Schiphol The Netherlands | Jeroen Devilee | 118 |
Oral | Exposure-response relationships for air traffic noise annoyance and sleep disturbance in the Netherlands | Marije Reedijk | 128 |
Oral | Aircraft Noise related Fairness Inventory – Development and Validation of a psychometric Instrument | Dominik Hauptvogel | 154 |
Oral | Scope and goals of NASA’s Quesst Community Test Campaign with the X-59 aircraft | Jonathan Rathsam | 63 |
Oral | Effects of railway pass-by noise on pleasantness rankings | Sarah Weidenfeld | 145 |
Oral | A Dutch study into the response of vibrations due to rail traffic: A repeated measurement | Sendrick Simon | 172 |
Oral | Investigative research on awareness of noise and sound environment in Okinawa Prefecture | Takeshi Tokashiki | 144 |
Oral | Annoyance penalty of tonal, impulsive, or amplitude-modulated noise | Valtteri Hongisto | 178 |
Oral | Pilot of longitudinal study to evaluate the Quality of Life and health effects of the Heathrow Noise Insulation Schemes | Nicole Porter | 213 |
Oral | How the residents respond to different changing scenarios of aircraft noise: comparison of two airports in Vietnam | Thulan Nguyen | 201 |
Oral | Comparing results from annoyance surveys | Truls Gjestland | 32 |
Oral | Testing of railway noise annoyance models based on noise sensitivity and different noise indices | Marquis-Favre | 194 |
Oral | Motorcyle Noise Study Baden-Württemberg, Part I: Long-term noise annoyance in residents of busy motorcycle routes in the south of Germany | Dirk Schreckenberg | 192 |
Oral | Motorcyle Noise Study Baden-Württemberg, Part II: Short-term noise annoyance in residents of busy motorcycle routes in the south of Germany | Sarah Leona Benz | 207 |
Poster | Research proposal: Psychoacoustic Modeling of Noise Annoyance in the Workplace - Application of Machine Learning | Jan Grenzebach | 69 |
Poster | Annoyance and noise sensitivity of teachers in relation to age, gender and measured noise in schools of Sao Paulo, Brazil | Alessandra Giannella Samelli | 155 |
Poster | Walking interviews as a qualitative method of assessing environmental noise perception of preschool children | Dirk Schreckenberg | 216 |
Poster | The ongoing development of a new ISO Technical Specification on non-acoustic factors – 2023 update | Benjamin Fenech | 203 |
Low frequency noise and vibration
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Low-Frequency Noise - Experiences from a Low Frequency Noise perceiving population | Kristina Erdélyi | 212 |
Oral | Can area-level socioeconomic deprivation and segregation explain differences in exposure to rail traffic noise and vibration? | Natalia Vincens | 122 |
Oral | Exposure to whole-body vibrations and incident stroke and myocardial infarction risk in Sweden | Jenny Selander | 215 |
Oral | Binaural loudness summation of infrasound | Marion Bug | 109 |
Oral | An experimental study on the perception of infrasound - Do we need this term at all? | Valtteri Hongisto | 134 |
Oral | Subjective daily life complaints from individuals reporting Low-Frequency Noise perceptions | Kristina Erdélyi | 211 |
Poster | Active control of road noise caused by tire cavity-resonance in passenger car based on optimized weights-FxLMS algorithm. | Sang Kwon Lee | 48 |
Combined effect of noise and other agents
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Aircraft noise exposure and blood pressure in longitudinal DEBATS study: does air pollution moderate the association? | Anne-Sophie Evrard | 115 |
Oral | Viewer on combined health impacts from road traffic noise and air pollution in urban areas | Eulalia Peris | 116 |
Oral | Co-exposure to particulate matter and aircraft noise adversely impacts the cerebro-pulmonary-cardiovascular axis in mice | Marin Kuntic | 225 |
Oral | Associations between road traffic noise, air pollution and incidence of dementia in the Danish Nurse Cohort | Stephane Tuffier | 176 |
Poster | Acute effect of organic solvents and noise on the efferent reflex in workers | Benoit Pouyatos | 170 |
Noise policy and economics
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Review of noise policies and economic evaluations relevant to ICBEN for the period 2021-2022 | Benjamin Fenech | 143 |
Oral | Noise and Well-Being | Aleksandra Bulatović | 189 |
Oral | Review of environmental noise policies and economics in 2020-2023 | Dietrich Schwela | 180 |
Oral | Implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC in Slovenia seen through an equity lens | Sonja Jeram | 193 |
Oral | Comprehensive noise assessments are needed to inform public policy | Jamie L Banks | 181 |
Oral | Noise pollution policies in the Arab world: an overview and comparison with European Union legislation | Dietrich Schwela | 20 |
Poster | Stakeholder involvement in research on health impact of environmental exposure | Sarah Leona Benz | 217 |
Poster | Stakeholders’ views about the environmental noise impact on children's and adolescents’ health and cognitive development | Julia Kuhlmann | 218 |
Other topics
Format | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Oral | Occupational exposure to ultrasound generated by cleaners | Paolo Lenzuni | 147 |
Oral | Are Urban Areas in Indonesia Noisy? Nope! | Christina Eviutami Mediastika | 219 |
Oral | Characteristics of daily aircraft noise near Heathrow Airport, the Reduced Noise Impacts of Short-Term Aircraft Noise (RISTANCO) project | Xiangpu Gong | 127 |
Oral | Towards estimating global road traffic noise exposure for burden of disease estimations | Mikael Ögren | 205 |
Oral | Road traffic flow prediction for noise modelling | John Gulliver | 153 |
Oral | Evaluation of an urban tram noise impact: A mapping study in the Golden Horn | Ali Sercan Kesten | 202 |
Oral | Estimating road traffic noise exposure in the Swedish SCAPIS cohort | Mikael Ögren | 206 |
Poster | Effects of Soundscape on Place Attachment in International Scenic Resort | Ling Yang | 197 |
Poster | Frequency Spectrum Distribution of Common Occupational Noise in Malaysia using Fast Fourier Transform Analysis | Ailin Razali | 158 |
Subject Area | Title | Presenting Author | ID |
Low frequency noise and vibration | Active control of road noise caused by tire cavity-resonance in passenger car based on optimized weights-FxLMS algorithm. | Sang-Kwon Lee | 2 |
Noise-induced hearing loss | Attitudes and habits toward the headphone use among Belgrade medical students | Danka Vukašinović | 3 |
Non-auditory health effects of noise | The association of long-term road-traffic noise exposure with the immune response and systematic inflammation | Sarah Wagner | 4 |
Community response to noise and noise annoyance | Annoyance and noise sensitivity of teachers in relation to age, gender and measured noise in schools of Sao Paulo, Brazil | Alessandra Samelli | 5 |
Combined effect of noise and other agents | Acute effect of organic solvents and noise on the efferent reflex in workers | Benoit Pouyatos | 7 |
Other topics | Effects of Soundscape on Place Attachment in International Scenic Resort | Ling Yang | 8 |
Noise-induced hearing loss | Auditory fatigue among professionals working in the amplified music sector | Venet Thomas | 9 |
Community response to noise and noise annoyance | A new ISO Technical Specification on NON-ACOUSTIC FACTORS – 2023 update | Benjamin Fenech | 10 |
Noise-induced hearing loss | Changes in hearing threshold in workers with asymmetric hearing loss exposed to shipyard noise: an 11-year follow-up study | Jiho Lee | 11 |
Noise policy and economics | Stakeholders’ views about the environmental noise impact on children's and adolescents’ health and cognitive development | Julia Kuhlmann | 12 |
Community response to noise and noise annoyance | Walking interviews as a qualitative method of assessing environmental noise perception of preschool children | Dirk Schreckenberg | 14 |
Other topics | Indoor Environment Quality and Occupants Satisfaction in Office Building | Kyoung Woo Kim | 15 |
Other topics | Stakeholder involvement in research on health impact of environmental exposure | Sarah Benz | 16 |
Noise-induced hearing loss | Frequency Spectrum Distribution of Common Occupational Noise in Malaysia using Fast Fourier Transform Analysis | Ailin Razali | 17 |
Noise-induced hearing loss | Disability assessment on noise-induced hearing loss using hearing handicap inventory questionnaires for SOCSO compensation | Ailin Razali | 19 |
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Registration for the congress begins on November 1st, 2022. Click this registration link for redirection to the registration form.
You have the option to submit abstracts and papers before finishing the registration process. Deadline for the registration fee payment is June 1st, 2023.
Abstract submission
For abstract submission, you can click this abstract submission link.
Abstract submission starts on November 1st, 2022. The deadline for abstract submission is February 14th, 2023.
You will get the notification about your abstract acceptance on March 11th, 2023.
Paper submission
Only after receiving notification that your abstract has been accepted may you submit your paper. For paper submission, you can click this paper submission link.
The deadline for full paper submission is May 7th, 2023.